Presentation Slides - Jaap Tuinman
STEM~Net - Empowering the Students and Teachers of Newfoundland and Labrador
STEM~Net is about Robbie
(the student)
- is a wide area (Internet) computer network for K-12 and
rural public college educators in this province.
- supports teachers efforts to improve teaching, learning,
curriculum design and professional development.
- is supported by the Human Resources Development Agreement,
corporate partners, school boards and colleges, the Department
of Education, the NLTA and Memorial University.
For an educational innovation to succeed, teachers must
be at the core.
Teachers involved from the beginning:
- 1991 Hogan and Cake - concept & lobbying
- 1992 Teacher evaluation and endorsement
- 1992+ Tuinman and Weir
- 1992 NLnet teacher pilot
- 1992 Broad Consultations with teachers and others
- 1993 Program consultations with teachers
- 1993+ STEM~Net training for lead teachers
- 1994+ "gopher" training for teachers
- 1995 "web page development" training for teachers
- 1995 Province-wide consultation with educators
STEM~Net supports:
on site inservice, with a focus on immediate applications.
The 21st Century Challenge:
The Speed of Change
Managing "change" requires:
- trust and authentic cooperation
- meeting personal and professional needs.
STEM~Net Statistics:
Within 20 months of operation, approximately 8500 accounts on system.
- >80% of teachers have accounts
- 40% of these use them regularly
- Each school day, there are approximately,
4000 accesses to system,
20,000 email transactions (~7000 messages),
,8000 STEM~Net WWW homepage accesses.
Computer and Communications technologies support a new
model of "empowered " teachers
Yesterday's "monolithic" model was one teacher standing
in front of one class to deliver one subject at a time. This
was considered the ideal.
The new model shows a differentiation in the roles of teachers,
changing to deal more effectively with content and children through
the intervention of technology.
The "new" model will, among other features include:
- more focus both on individualized learning goals and on team
building and activities
- the emergence of the "master teacher" as an educational
team leader.
- technology-oriented para-professional support.
- an enhanced Socratic role for teachers.
- increased interaction with parents and community
- a technocratic impact on the curriculum.