Embellish the Earth

I. Briefly review the project proposal form. Discuss the project theme, outline and time line; review the project and curriculum objectives.

The project theme was Earth Day (environment, science, social values). The class was involved in growing seedlings from seeds to embellish the Earth in honour of Earth Day, April 22.

The outline was comprised of the following steps:

  1. Introduction to Earth Day
  2. Grow flowers to help embellish the earth
  3. Prepare containers
  4. Plant seeds and then water
  5. Set near a source of light
  6. Maintain by keeping moist

Time line: start on April 22 and continue until mid-June. One week before mid-June, transplant seedlings in bigger containers.

Curriculum objectives:

  • Sc. 302-1: Identify a variety of local and regional habitats and their associated populations of plants and animals (identify perennials that grow here).
  • Sc. 108-3: Describe how personal actions help conserve natural resources and care for living things and their habitats (growing and taking care of seedlings).

II. Show the audience the outocme of the project proposal.

Results and a tour of the project can be seen at: http://www.k12.nf.ca/bishopfeild/page2.html

III. Briefly comment on any successes or problems that were encountered throughout the life of the project.


  • Web page was completed, project approved
  • Seedlings grew very well (better than mine at home)


  • Designing the page was O.K. , I could not do it on my own. Once finished it became distorted when put on line on the school web site. It had to be redone, a couple of times by another teacher, therefore the look of the page was different than what I wanted.
  • I did not understand the message received on May 31, about GrassRoots web sites. It includes information about gifs and links. I passed it along to another teacher.
  • We planted the seeds too deep! Make sure you read the package well. I had to replant more seeds at the right depth.
  • I did not get the students involved enough with looking after the seedlings and I took over the watering.

IV. Comment on any aspects of the project that you would do differently.

1) Have more info about Earth Day and spend more time on it with the class.
2) Brainstorm/review flowers or outdoor plants the students know (language activity).
3) Make students aware of the Web page.
4) Have photos of the activity to put on the Web page.
5) Have more suggestions for types (harder ones) of seeds to grow (transplanting the gaillardia was more difficult than expected)
6) Do research with class on Earth Day and flowers (books/Internet) to get started and generate interest about the activity.
7) Develop the use of communications technologies by the students in relation with the GrassRoots project.

V. Comment on if and how the project can be expanded next year.

a) I would like to translate the site since it was a French Immersion class activity but I will be in a different school next September!
b) Students could research flowers/plants they would like to grow and provide their own seed (maybe even chestnut, oak, etc...)