Exploring the Countries of Europe

I. Briefly review the project proposal form. Discuss the project theme, outline and time line; review the project and curriculum objectives.

The project began as a collection of information about various countries in Europe as required by the Grade 8 Social Studies Program . The Senior High students in my Multimedia course were learning to write web pages and needed topics. As the idea developed, students in World Geography 3202 joined the project. The multimedia students learned HTML to create web pages. They then worked with the World Geography students to develop the package as a learning resource for the Grade 8 Program.

II. Show the audience the outcome of the project proposal.

Results and a tour of the project can be seen at: http://www.k12.nf.ca/discovery/grassroots/world/world.htm

III. Briefly comment on any successes or problems that were encountered throughout the life of the project.

Overall the project was successful. The students researched print media as well as electronic media. While some students did a very basic presentation, many did a very thorough job providing detailed information for this online resource. World Geography students were able to present their research electronically, and the information would be available on the world wide web.

IV. Comment on any aspects of the project that you would do differently.

In redoing the project, it could be enlarged into a comprehensive document with the web pages to include: currency, government, maps, main tourist attractions, climate, topography, population, language, video and audio sections, and links to useful sites available on the Internet. This would ensure each country has the same basic information included in the web page.

V. Comment on if and how the project can be expanded next year.

There is a great deal of room for expansion on this project next year. We plan to continue to research other countries around the world. We now have countries in Europe, Asia, North America and Africa online and look forward to adding to our list of countries each year.