Mines of Newfoundland and Labrador: Past and Present

I. Briefly review the project form. Discuss the project theme, outline and time line; review the project and curriculum objectives.

The project theme is Mines Across Newfoundland; Past and Present. For this project, students will outline on a linked, mapped image of Nfld., present and past mining operations in Newfoundland. Each mining site in Newfoundland's history will be illustrated by pictures and text. It is the objective to get other schools across Canada to follow suit and eventually all provinces can be linked.

II. Show the audience the outcome of the project proposal.

Results and a tour of the project can be seen at: http://www.ascension.ntc.nf.ca/grassroots/welcome.htm

III. Briefly comment on any successes or problems that were encountered throughout the life of the project.

Student participation in this project proved to be beneficial for all. Some students, who were not regular Internet users, found themselves using the Internet more often and in other courses. Other students learned to use the scanner and its software, while other students expanded their web editing capabilities. Most of the information gathered during research was obtained on the Internet and through direct contact using e-mail. Overall, the project proved to be a positive experience and it brought out the mature and responsible attitude that teenagers must adopt to survive in a competitive society that they will soon be living.

IV. Comment on any aspects of the project that you would do differently.

The start date would be earlier in the year to give the students ample time to plan and carry out the different stages. Class time is scarce and a project of this magnitude requires a great deal of time to be completed. In this way, more class periods could be used at different times during the progression of the project over a wider time frame. I would form a committee that could take charge and be responsible for overseeing the whole project, instead of being teacher centered and assigning duties. Overall the project proved to be a positive learning experience for the students and myself. I would recommend and promote GrassRoots projects in the future.

V. Comment on if and how the project can be expanded next year.

A call to participate was listed on different educational list serves on the Internet. Also I made contact with other teachers and invited them to participate in the project. Due to the delayed starting date some people expressed a concern that they covered the topic already and would be interested next year. One teacher is constructing a project similar to this one and was interested in participating. Communication was made at different times but to date I am not sure of his progress. His address will be added to this project when it is completed.