Robotics Technology Development

I. Briefly review the project form. Discuss the project theme, outline and time line; review the project and curriculum objectives.

The project was developed in partnership with several other schools and offers a web-based resource for learning about advanced manufacturing and robotics technologies. First of all, they engaged the participation of several schools in the Avalon East School Board, and also a partner school in North Carolina. Then work was assigned to teams from different schools and a time line was established. Research was carried out to explore different aspects of robotics, and this information was used to write the written text of the project. Outline and text materials were developed for the project, consistent with General Curriculum Outcomes specified by the provincial Department of Education (Newfoundland). Some animation and interactive simulations were created to illustrate the process. Then, a list of contacts was formed where students could get advice on any difficulties they were having. Finally, all of this information was published on the web page.

II. Show the audience the outcome of the project proposal.

Results and a tour of the project can be seen at:

III. Briefly comment on any successes or problems that were encountered throughout the life of the project.

The project seems to have progressed fairly smoothly start to finish.

IV. Comment on any aspects of the project that you would do differently.

The biggest problem was finding the time to continually update the web site with information and pictures.

V. Comment on if and how the project can be expanded next year.

V. The project can be expanded next year, as the robotics competition occurs every year, and the website would also need to be updated annually.